Rocket Grill – Part 1

I love to make very large pancakes on a traditional cast iron pan from Finland called Muurikka (or Muurinpohjapannu as it is officially called). I got the pan few years back and it came with a large gas heater. This was not good enough, so I decided to design a rocket stove inspired wood burner…

WD40 can holder

Yesterday I had the final straw when I was going to clean my welding table and the damn WD-40 can was nowhere to be found again. I went back to the house and after an hour this contraption had been designed. It took 13 hours to print and now hopefully I remember to put the…


The Mood-o-meter has three operating modes: Hardware: How does it communicated with a PC? It doesn’t. The PC is simply sending serial signals to it which the Arduino interprets and changes the mood/status accordingly. The “PC controlled mode” signal is sent through a powershell script, which in turn has a simple winforms program as an UI….

The Cat Caller

We have two cats who like to go explore outside but are still living with us in the house. We used to use a plastic container filled with cat treats to call them back inside, until I remembered that I’m a specialist on designing useless objects for 3D printing. That’s when the Cat Caller was…

3D printed Die Tower with a trapdoor

I don’t play board games but I like to challenge myself with creating interesting 3d models. A die tower was a perfect thing to make as it would have moving parts, interchangeable design, and limited hardware. The model does not require any supports, and only needs a spring from a pen and a single M3…

Huge standard screwcap

One of my old colleagues was changing jobs, so I decided to create a farewell gift for him. For some reason he always use a bottle screwcap as the unit of measurement for his alcoholic drinks. I made him a new “standard screwcap” he can use. Låg = screwcap in Danish. You can find the…

Wireless phone charger

Do you have a habit of placing your phone on front of your keyboard while you work? Are you annoyed that the facial recognition doesn’t recognise you due to the too shallow angle? Well, this is the fix.  The wireless charging module is taken from Ikea Livboj. Plug-n-play with a requirement of gluing three parts.