I decided that a laser cutter is a perfect addition to my workshop. The problem with laser cutters is that it generates smoke so I can’t just place it next to my 3D printer in the house. At the same time, it is pretty sensitive for dust, so my workshop is not really an optimal place for it either.
The quick and dirty approach to solve this was to make a wooden box/enclosure for it, and place it in the workshop. The idea is that I’m able to place the box on the welding table while in use, and otherwise close it up and store it on a shelf so it doesn’t take space on the work area. It is still very rough version of it, and it will be update to have proper ventilation with a possibility of closing it while the cutter is running. That’s the reason why this post is marked to be “Part 1”.
I don’t know when I will have time to perfect the design, but for now it does it’s job.
“Ready” design. (It is still requiring a lot of improvements in the future!)
Build Log:
To begin with, I cheated and got the plywood cut to the correct sizes at the hardware store. To prepare for a nicer finish, I sanded them all down on both sides.It was screwed together with corner brackets. This will make it easier to modify it later on.The design enables it to be opened fully so it’s easy to access the laser cutter. The “lid” is pretty heavy so it will need some gas springs later on to make it easier to open.All the outside corners were routed round.I used three heavy-duty hinges at the back.For the corners I used some metal protectors I had lying around in the workshop.The corners look much nicer this way and they don’t get so banged up when I’m lifting the heavy box to the shelf.To make sure the box stays closed when lifting it up to the shelf, I added some adjustable latches to the front.On the bottom I added small rubber feet to remove vibrations and light it up from the dirty welding table.I also added handles to the side to make it easier to lift, but in reality it is a bit too wide for those to be used unless it is two people lifting the box.The box is big enough that the cutter fits inside, with the air assist pump next to it. I’ve already started to design the additions for the “Part 2” of this build, but the ventilation will have to wait until next month. On the picture you see my design of a feet extension holder for the cutter.