Since I built the Triple Bunk Bed, I’ve felt that the ceiling lamp was not special enough next to it. Now was the time to get rid of that old IKEA lamp, and build something truly special. I think I made six different versions of the lamp, and ended up choosing the “hot air balloon” -version as that was very suited for the kids room, and it could also be a used as a part of the kids’ plays.
This is how it ended up looking.Perfect match with the bed!Even the passenger is happy and always smiling.
Build Log:
This was the original model. Frame from 4mm birch plywood, 3D printed (magnetic) gondola, and the sides made out of 8mm rope in rainbow colours.The gondola was too simple, so I created a new model which has woven sides instead. This was much trickier than I thought…It printed really well in PLA. Notice the holes for 6mm x 3mm magnets on the corners.The attachment points with slots for magnets on the underside. Magnets are put in place. The magnets are there so the kids don’t pull the whole light down while placing “passengers” inside the gondola. Now the gondola will detach instead without breaking anything.The wooden ribs were laser cut out of 4mm birch plywood.I was debating if I should paint these white, but my wife decided that it looks better in natural colours so I varnished them instead.Test fit in the guest room. Everything stays in place nicely.The gondola hangs with 3.5mm paracord. I melted the ends into a mushroom shape so there is no need for knots.To finish off the look, I added some rustic brass spacers.Time to start threading the rope in place. The lamp needed 17 meters of rope!I started from the bottom, and melted the end of the rope in mushroom shape again. I was planning to use a brass cap, but there wasn’t enough space.I think I spent more than three hours threading the rope…On the top I finished the end with a brass spacer. This also makes it possible to change the lightbulb if needed. (Possible, but not easy…)Ready!Happy passenger.The magnets also work as expected.As the rope is threaded in a spiral, there is one gap where it needs to switch to a higher level on a diagonal. This doesn’t look as bad as I expected, but that will be facing the back wall anyway.I think the kids’ room is now completed with the introduction of this funky lamp!