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The Cat Caller

We have two cats who like to go explore outside but are still living with us in the house. We used to use a plastic container filled with cat treats to call them back inside, until I remembered that I’m a specialist on designing useless objects for 3D printing. That’s when the Cat Caller was…

Huge standard screwcap

One of my old colleagues was changing jobs, so I decided to create a farewell gift for him. For some reason he always use a bottle screwcap as the unit of measurement for his alcoholic drinks. I made him a new “standard screwcap” he can use. Låg = screwcap in Danish. You can find the…

Aircon remote holder for the workshop

I always use the timer on the aircon unit in my workshop. I also always lose the remote when I want to activate the timer and spend a lot of time trying to find where I placed it. This remote holder has an opening for the sliding cover. It means that you can push the…

Project with the kids – Man of Steel

My son wanted a metal man. I took that as a challenge and an excellent opportunity for practising some small scale TIG welding. The man has an interchangeable hat/helmet, and I even added a custom 3D printed magnetic sword. It was a perfect partner for a wooden dinosaur we made together some time later.

Kittenproof subwoofer

Our family got two very small new members. As it usually goes with little kids, you start realising that a lot of things in your house are dangerous for them. I realised that I had an incredible deathtrap right next to our TV; the subwoofer. The kittens could climb inside through the hole on the…

Filler and electrode holder for TIG welding

I got tired of not being able to pick up the filler from the table with my gloves on, so I made a holder for it. While I was at it I added also a place for both old and new electrodes. I can also store many filler wires on the center so I don’t…

Corona Project – Phone holder

When corona hit the world, I was suddenly stuck working from home. I didn’t have a proper webcam, so I was joining using my phone’s camera instead. The angle was totally wrong, so I spent a lunch break in the workshop to make a tall holder which raises it to the correct height.


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